
November 5, 2017

Keeping Up Our Collective Cool

Summer is here again, at least in the Southern Hemisphere. And with summer comes heat and with heat comes the desire to be cool, humans being […]
October 16, 2017

To Infinity and Beyond

It might seem paradoxical, but some things that seem possible but difficult, like flying cars, are actually very, very difficult and close to impossible, while other […]
September 7, 2017

Up, Up and No Way

The history of invention, like the history of evolution, is one of amazing successes and spectacular failures. Just like the rest of life, invention failure far […]
August 17, 2017

Having Designs on Hats

Hats aren’t nearly as popular as they once were, which is a real shame, because there’s something particularly appealing about a person in a hat. There’s […]
July 10, 2017

Trading on Our Marks

It’s a little known fact that people in the modern world, who grow up in cities dominated by the activities of major corporations are far more […]
July 7, 2017

The Apple of Our Trademarking, Copywriting and Patenting Eye

Imagine that you’re an inventor or entrepreneur, just starting out and struggling to turn your brilliant idea into a commercially viable venture. You might be looking […]
May 9, 2017

The Joys of Winter Patents

As the cooler seasons come to the Southern Hemisphere it’s time for people to start rugging up. Global warming notwithstanding there’s still enough of a nip […]
April 7, 2017
Easter patents

Easter Patents

People who are “invention-oriented” like to come up with solutions to problems. Another way of saying this is that inventors, at some point, come up with […]
March 15, 2017
cricket bat and ball

Patents in the World of Cricket

Cricket is one of those sports that are totally associated with a particular culture, but have still managed to find new homes in unexpected places. Baseball, […]
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