Patent Attorney Services pandemic

April 5, 2021
Meyerwest IP - short History of Golf

A Short History of Golf and Famous Golf Brands

Sports are often associated with their countries of origin. It’s impossible to think of baseball without thinking of the United States, surfing without thinking of Hawaii, […]
March 1, 2021
Meyerwest IP- A Short History of Tennis

A Short History of Tennis and Famous Tennis Brands

What we now call today “tennis” is more specifically “lawn tennis”. This is to distinguish it from its ancestor “real tennis”, which was “real” not because […]
February 1, 2021
Meyerwest IP- Famous Cricket Brands

A Short History of Cricket and Famous Cricket Brands

Two teams. Eleven players per side. A uniquely shaped rectangular, wedge-shaped bat. A small, fist-sized, red or white leather-covered ball of string around a cork core. […]
January 4, 2021
Meyeywest blog image__The NBA Bubble and the Future of Sports in the Age of Pandemic_Title blog

The NBA Bubble: the Future of Sports in the Age of Pandemic

Perhaps you are wondering what a Patent Attorney service has to do with the pandemic or the NBA? COVID-19 created unprecedented opportunities for creative minds to […]
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