
January 3, 2022
Well Known Wine Trademarks from Western Australia

Well Known Wine Trademarks from Western Australia

Western Australia is HUGE, comprising almost one third of the entire landmass of the country, with a total land area of 2,527,013 square kilometres (975,685 square […]
December 1, 2021
Well-Known Software Trademarks

Well-Known Software Trademarks from Australia and New Zealand

It would come as no big surprise that the global software industry is huge. In 2020 Grandiview research calculated that the business software and services market […]
November 1, 2021
Famous Wine Trademark in New Zealand

Famous Wine Trade Marks of New Zealand

It didn’t take long for European settlers to realize that The Land of the Long White Cloud had considerable potential for viticulture. A combination of fertile […]
October 5, 2021

European Chocolate Trade Marks Wars

Ahhh, chocolate! What’s not to love? Arguably one of the world’s most popular flavours, chocolate, like coffee, is a deceptively complex salad of chemistry. Unlike coffee, […]
September 3, 2021
The Wonderful World of Coffee Patents

The Wonderful World of Coffee Patents

What is a trade mark? Of all the drinks that people regularly imbibe, coffee is arguably the most complex. Food scientists have discerned that coffee comprises […]
August 3, 2021
Athletes and Their Trade marks

Athletes and Their Trade marks

What is a Trademark? A trademark is a symbol, image, word, or set of words – or a combination of all of the above, that an […]
July 2, 2021
Meyerwest IP - Logos of Social Media Giants

The Logos of Social Media Giants

Social Media can be defined as a group of technologies that are designed primarily to exchange information for social purposes. It’s a concept that seems obvious […]
May 3, 2021
Trademarks owned by the british royal family

Trademarks Owned by the British Royal Family

In a sense, royalty in one form or another has always been with us. Even the simplest forms of human societies, the tribal unit, has an […]
February 3, 2020
Meyerwest IP - Black box

Shedding Light on the History and Purpose of the Black Box

The term “black box” can often be heard or seen in the news as one of the most crucial objects rescuers and search parties look for […]
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