Meyer West IP

May 5, 2019

Iconic Australian Trademarks – M Part 2

Meadow Lea The history of margarine is not only of interest to chemists, it has important facts to point out from a legal perspective as well. […]
April 2, 2019
Iconic Australian Trademarks – M

Iconic Australian Trademarks – M Part 1

Mambo It takes a particular sort of person to be an entrepreneur. You need to combine a vision of something that you want to bring into […]
March 8, 2019

Iconic Australian Trademarks – L

Lindeman’s Although Australia had been producing wines since the mid-1800s, the result of efforts of immigrants from Western Europe, Australian wines took decades to establish themselves […]
February 13, 2019
cool summer patents

Cool Patents for Summer

Science tells us that humans came out of Africa and then spread throughout the world through the Middle East. Both regions have a reputation for being […]
January 29, 2019
Australian Mining Patents image

Australian Mining Patents – A Whole Industry of Invention and A Potential Trap

It used to be said, years ago, that “Australia rode on the sheep’s back”. In other words, for many decades, since the mid-1800s, a considerable amount […]
December 3, 2018
Australian Wine

Australian Wine Trade Marks

It took a while to get the respect of the international community, but Australian wines are now considered among the best in the world and can […]
November 28, 2018
Do’s and Don’ts on how to choose a strong trade mark, how to use it and how to protect it

Do’s and Don’ts on how to choose a strong trade mark, how to use it and how to protect it

A great deal of money is spent on creating trade marks and even more is often spent on promoting them but often this is all in […]
November 12, 2018
Australian Fashion Trademarks

Australian Fashion Trademarks

Unlike the French, who own their fashion space with urban chic (Chanel, Yves St Laurent, Dior), or the Americans, who earn their fashion space with sport […]
October 9, 2018
medical inventions

Australian Medical Inventions and Patents

As anyone who has had even the most casual brush will illness will know medication is expensive. The amount of research and testing needed for even […]
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